Musings, Thoughts & News

Kitchen Project – First Post

Navigating life lately is full of new challenges and adventures. We’re stumbling through them together. I’m grateful for all the people who are there to listen to both of us process while we try to figure out what our new normal is. This week has been interesting in a lot of ways.

I’ve managed to update and upload a whole lot more content here. Within the next few days I’ll have some fun downloads and even more recipes to post. Pictures and detailed comments will follow shortly. I’m seriously enjoying the book review section.  There’s nothing I enjoy more than talking books with my friends.

I’m excited to report that my friend Koit (who has been an incredible help – sometime soon I’ll post pictures of the ramp he built for us when we were in

Happy to be home from the hospital.

the hospital so that we could wheel cyn in and out of the house more easily) has been finishing the metal shelving for our kitchen so the 2 year project is taking a quantum leap forward. At one point, a few months into Cyndi being sick and me being a house-bound caregiver I got super stir crazy and ripped apart the

kitchen. Like tore down walls, took down cabinets and restructured everything stir crazy. Cyndi was sick enough that I could pretend to not hear her protests, much like the day I took my sawzall to the the wall that surrounded it because I was feeling claustrophobic and then she came

the half wall before I cut it all down

home while it was halfway done… (it’s a good thing she’s such a good sport). I needed to do something tangible to take my anxiety and frustration out on something and our kitchen was so tiny that two people couldn’t stand in it together and open the door, which is stupid since our loft is huge. We cook way too much for this to be functional. So here we are now and I’m looking forward to piecing together the last bits of the project since the rest of the pieces have been sitting in storage waiting for this to happen.

I’ll post more pictures but here’s the in process. Please excuse the mess, everything is pulled apart right now but we’re excited. Next step is cupboard doors and more painting. Bits and pieces and it will eventually be done.