Musings, Thoughts & News

2017 – New Beginnings

It’s been a long year, which is an understatement for most of us. Its been a while since I’ve spent time on this page.  Things have been increasingly busier, which is good and challenging at the same time. Our lives are shaped very differently than they were before 2014. Cancer cuts a wide swath through your life, wreaking havoc and redefining what is truly important to us with what is at times a crystalline clarity that filters out surprising things and highlights others. We are surviving it and rebuilding our lives and our expectation of normal in drips, drops and sudden stumbling steps. Normal is constantly being redefined. In all of it, we are gifted with the extraordinary gift of deep seated love and the ability to laugh together daily.

We are mapping out our plans, hopes, and goals for 2017, one of those goals is to share with you here many things, my thoughts, our recipes, our garden, chickens, and our ongoing efforts to eat well and from scratch as much as possible, grow our own food and flowers, while attempting to  spread more joy in a world that seems to be as sorely in need of it as we are.